im just never enough (but im more than you)
so you tell me its too late, that i should have fought for it before
i wont be told what i cannot do. i have to have - i will do what i have to do to have.
the question at hand for having is if i should start fighting for something new before thats out the window too,
or if i shall let myself fight for something... yes: possible, because i can do what i have to do
i have done it before
and i will show you tommorow what i have, and you wont believe how i did what i did but i'll have proved i got game.
and then start fighting for more.

i wont be told what i cannot do. i have to have - i will do what i have to do to have.
the question at hand for having is if i should start fighting for something new before thats out the window too,
or if i shall let myself fight for something... yes: possible, because i can do what i have to do
i have done it before
and i will show you tommorow what i have, and you wont believe how i did what i did but i'll have proved i got game.
and then start fighting for more.

bok om kvinnan


appreciating the way things sound when my actions leave your mouth in the form of syllables vowels letters hanging together in your breath stained with white wine and marlboro lights. feeling how this night could have been something to talk about under different circumstances. dreading what it means that fo'facto i could not stand without your arm. that climbing stairs make me weaker than your most convincing way to lay down a speech. and it has nothing to do with what i do and do not consume, so dont blame it on that sweet innocent liquid. im giving my blood as a sacrifice for the final answer next week.
pensionhelg - dag 3

pensionhelg - dag 2

pensionhelg - dag 1

some hoes in this house

i've started questioning my prioritization. whether we should notice motion or devotion.
whether its more acceptable to be blinded like everyone else, or be blinded your own mistrusted way.
the things i want to remember as my life wont be the ones that stick either way.
and each year my face looks harder. last week a man confessed his fright of my appearance, becasue i moved with authority.
i'll take it because i think it might be ture. though those that know me well just laugh at the sound of my name and justice uttered with the same breath.
so i just want to be a child, why wont you hold my painted face?

sally mann
soft milky ways&whatever else never happened

sally we found your godmother

come now i thought you gave your consent to the escape from reality

golden frown just now

Ive been falling in love with you from a distance
whether or not this makes it real. If it means it is you my chemicals reactions turn to for creation, i do not know. but i fear, yes fear, at times, and wish for it to happen in a second on other occasions, that we will find out sooner than later.
my friends say i do not take opportunities these days. Perhaps i've had enough, and as with other things see no point in the action. Or perhaps rather ive found the attraction for the action
my friends say i do not take opportunities these days. Perhaps i've had enough, and as with other things see no point in the action. Or perhaps rather ive found the attraction for the action
we are animals