force you to coexist in my mind.
in my mind you have to coexist.
though you may not want to mix
you sometimes blend into eachother and create a past lover i have to keep and live in symbiosis with. you are a creature in my thoughts
your own life or not, a past one becomes present in that space.
and through my mouth i portray you
through my words i create new life in new thoughts of you
in new minds with own lovers, they blend with newcomers.
and create a new man we all know
as the one we cannot recall, call on, or forget
in my mind you have to coexist.
though you may not want to mix
you sometimes blend into eachother and create a past lover i have to keep and live in symbiosis with. you are a creature in my thoughts
your own life or not, a past one becomes present in that space.
and through my mouth i portray you
through my words i create new life in new thoughts of you
in new minds with own lovers, they blend with newcomers.
and create a new man we all know
as the one we cannot recall, call on, or forget
The scariest thing/Frightfull sight

I am longing to move, to move you, to move me to you, to be away.
Last night I awoke dizzy lost and afraid, alone, in a bed, still I was safe because
I have a belief that firmly states it is safe in appartments in the big city.
At home in my own light and sound I never relax.
I dream of hostages and shooting the innocent because I can trust noone -
wich is why I am hoping for a change.
And nothing scares me more
Except myself without controll, and a face without a name.


despite our best efforts
drar upp former och mallar men jag verkar aldrig passa
färgen är fel och opassande delar sticker ut i protest
det är som att jag stirrar det i ansiktet och klämmer i fötter i skor jag inte kan acceptera erkänna eller igentligen passar i
ritar hjärtan i försök till att skapa något, någon känsla, vad som hällst, men jag suddar dem snabt innan det uppstår oreda och uppstånd.
jag är ju fan inte tre längre. och även om förutsättningarna finns får det inte platts mera här.
ps. funderar på att skapa en blogg med bara badrumsbilder. toabilder. borstatändernabilder. inga fler fjortisbilder.
färgen är fel och opassande delar sticker ut i protest
det är som att jag stirrar det i ansiktet och klämmer i fötter i skor jag inte kan acceptera erkänna eller igentligen passar i
ritar hjärtan i försök till att skapa något, någon känsla, vad som hällst, men jag suddar dem snabt innan det uppstår oreda och uppstånd.
jag är ju fan inte tre längre. och även om förutsättningarna finns får det inte platts mera här.
ps. funderar på att skapa en blogg med bara badrumsbilder. toabilder. borstatändernabilder. inga fler fjortisbilder.
moving out of the night

My realtionships and you
In my reality, so you are aware,
we have two relationships.
We might be lovers,
have had an unborn child,
have larege disputes, or argue about nothings...
You sitt with me on busses, trains,
I come knocking at your door too late.
All to raise a mock defence toward the harsh tiering reality.
Still they're nothing compared to the relationships I have with myself.
we have two relationships.
We might be lovers,
have had an unborn child,
have larege disputes, or argue about nothings...
You sitt with me on busses, trains,
I come knocking at your door too late.
All to raise a mock defence toward the harsh tiering reality.
Still they're nothing compared to the relationships I have with myself.

The draft of a habit