to my tree

its a dying time darling, but it was a good one.
keep my name, in case you need to call, in case you need to recall to be able to explain to someone why
you have the expectations you do, why you fear they might act in a certain way
why you thought they might need what they don't
but i did. i do a lot that others don't, but as you will recall, you learned this fairly quickly
why you stayed on i can't imagine. i know i've learned to depend on you, and as i feared, this is something
that causes regret.
a few more hours would suffice to keep me calm until you're gone,
maybe long enough to find another tree to cling to in the dark, climb to feel the wind and see far enough to want to leave again. that must be why you want to go, because you see so far, above the branches that filter the light.
i was born with other genes. they're good for tracking, but how seldom my hair catches the wind.
you know i seek and this is why
/your shortie


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